Leaving school

Helping you prepare for your next steps

It can be exciting but a bit scary when you reach year 11 and you are getting ready to leave school. Our Virtual School in Somerset works with all Children Looked After (CLA) to help them succeed in their learning, up to the age of 18.

Our staff are passionate about helping Children in Care to achieve their full potential and will do their utmost to support you as you prepare to leave care. Sometimes this might mean helping you move between schools, college or into other training and education opportunities, once you have turned 16.

If you are between 16 and 18 we will:

  • help you plan your next steps for education, training and employment
  • help you find courses or work placements with local businesses
  • support you to continue your education and fulfil your aspirations
  • help you link with further education (FE) colleges and higher education (HEI)
  • work with your Personal Adviser to make sure they understand your education goals and what support you might need
  • make sure you have a Personal Education Plan (PEP), right up to when you are 18
  • make sure your PEP is reviewed as part of your Pathway Plan
  • check with your Personal Adviser and you so that clear plans and support are in place to help you into education, employment and training once you have turned 18
  • check that you and your Personal Adviser know about the 16 to 19 bursary fund

Although the Virtual School only works directly with young people up to the age of 18, we will always offer advice, guidance and information to Care Leavers about education, employment and training.